Jeep was the main car sponsor for the Fuji Rock Festival. We created content to promote their vehicles in an instagram travel diary “Fuji Rock Road Trip by Jeep”. There was a growth of over 2,000 followers and 5,000 organic interactions during the 3 day festival.
As the main car sponsor for the Fuji Rock festival, Jeep wanted to show how their vehicle could be used while traveling to the event. they wanted to create original content for their newly launched Instagram account.
We came up with the ‘Fuji Rock road trip by Jeep’ concept, also known as 'the best way to get to the festival'. in addition, we provided an Instagram-style photo diary of the journey, highlighting their stylish vehicles.
Fuji Rock festival had 150,000 attendees over 3 days and was a great way for Jeep to engage in experiential promotions to promote the new Instagram account. Jeep saw an increased growth of over 2,000 followers and 5,000 organic interactions during the festival.