
Pringles sought to create a novel campaign to introduce new flavours to Japan, and further etch their mascot into public consciousness in the process. We assembled a photographic team to capture the madness generated by thronging crowds curious to c…

Pringles sought to create a novel campaign to introduce new flavours to Japan, and further etch their mascot into public consciousness in the process. We assembled a photographic team to capture the madness generated by thronging crowds curious to come sample the new tastes.


The Pringles marketing team wanted to activate an 8 weekend, 16 stop, street sampling campaign across greater Tokyo. The purpose of this was to build awareness for their new flavors, and to introduce a real life “Mr. P” to the public in addition to creating photo sharing opportunities.


During the planning phase, we carried out location scouting and photo shoots, capturing “Mr. P” at iconic places in Tokyo. This went out across all social media platforms alongside a promotional teaser. We developed the script from the global guidelines and localized the mechanic that would appeal to fans in Japan. Pringles also needed to produce a variety of tools for the teams to go across the city before commencing with the activation.


“Mr. P” and the teams were a huge hit, being surrounded within seconds wherever they went. All sampling activations exceeded expectations by +35% and inventory had to be increased before the end of the campaign. The Facebook page of Pringles Japan gained over 20,000 likes within a 4 week period and over 7,000 boxes of Pringles were distributed over 8 days of the campaign.


Jimmy Choo


Moët Day